Saturday, September 09, 2006

Beauty Care - 7 Beauty Tips

Beauty care is one of the problems that most women (and men) of all ages face. Beauty, or the lack of it, is pretty much a state of mind. . .well almost. There are beauty tips for Hair Styles, Nails, Skin Care, Body and Shape, Weight Loss, Exercise, Fashion and Style, Inner Beauty and more.

Let's talk about inner beauty care. True beauty begins from the inside out. Outer beauty will only appear when you’ve practiced beauty within.

Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, overweight, illness and an overall lethargy.
Change your eating and exercising habits. You can do this. Do not try to change everything at once, unless you are just one of those rare individuals that can do that.
Beauty care starts with our diet. Diet does not mean just losing weight. Diet means the food you put in your daily eating habits.

1) A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.
2) Water, you need water. Try to add at least 4 more glasses of water to your daily diet. The rule of thumb for water is 8 glasses per day; and one extra for every ten pounds overweight you are.
3) Fats, you need to know about fats. There are different kinds of fats. Some fats are better for you than others. A rule of thumb on fats is, stay away from hydrogenated fats. These are fats that solidify. They are in store bought cakes, cookies, crackers, chips and even in bran muffins.
Read the labels.
Choose fats that are polyunsaturated or fats such as olive oil. And, eat some fish to get some omega-3 fats. Carbohydrates - Are your immediate fuel source. An average is about 55 percent of your diet in carbohydrates. So, a rule of thumb is, figure your protein grams, get around 25% fat per day, and the rest would be in carbohydrates. The heavier you are, the more protein you need the less carbohydrates you will need.
Fats - try not to exceed more than 25 percent fat in your daily diet. 30 is fine, too. That does not mean you can't have a junk food fast food hamburger... it just means that if you do eat that 55 percent fat burger that you are going to have to cut down on other fat filled foods for the rest of the day to balance it out.
4) Fiber - work up to getting 25 grams of Fiber per day
5) Protein - averages about 20 percent. Divide weight by 2.2 and multiply that by .8 to get the kilograms. For men it is averages as one gram per each kilogram of weight. So, a man would divide their weight in pounds 2.2 then multiply that by .10
6) Make exchanges gradually. Suppose you drink whole down to 2 percent. Maybe replacing two of your cups per day until you can completely change over. If you are on two percent milk, work down to 1 percent.
7) Add bran to your cereals for extra fiber. Do add it in your baking. You need to balance your diet with vegetables and fruits, too. Try adding different colors to your plate. Maybe an orange yam, and some green beans, to add color. The more variety of food colors, bring more variety of vitamins. Eat more raw foods.

Remember, exchange things, add things, and do it gradually and remember, live all things in life in moderation and soon you will be bouncy and vibrant and well on your way to living BEAUTIFULLY!

Michael Fortomas is a teacher of Biology and his Free Guide "151 Beauty Tips" is a look at specific tips, old and new, to help women meet the current perception of our societal definition of beauty.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Natural Health and Beauty - Using Essential Oils for Healing Your Skin

Trends in health and beauty are placing more trust in the efficacy of natural and organic ingredients. Skin care is no exception, with more women coming to realize the purity of what they put on their skin is as important as that of what they eat. The skin is the largest organ, and is generally permeable to substances placed on it. This is particularly important in healing wounds, for the skin may be broken and more sensitive. Enter essential oils; these powerful plant derived medicines have been used for many years for treating skin conditions, enhancing beauty and promoting wellness. Oils have been found particularly useful for regenerating skin that has suffered from accidents or surgery, or has their remaining signs in the form of keloid, acne, or other scars. Certain essential oil blends can speed healing time, reduce or eliminate scars from recent wounds and even greatly diminish the appearance of old ones.

There are a few primary essential oils used in skin care which offer their regenerative properties; these oils can be used in low concentrations, and are generally well-tolerated - certainly more so than many synthetic ingredients. The most important of these may be Helichrysum italicum, also known as Everlasting oil. This wonderful oil is distilled from the daisy-like flowers of the herb. It has a lovely earthy aroma and, despite it's apparent expense, works in very low concentrations (only a few drops per tablespoon of your total blend). Helichrysum is strongly anti-inflammatory and contains powerful regenerative molecules unique to this oil only.

Helichrysum is the foundation of many blends for healing the skin, and can be used by itself in a synergistic carrier oil such as Rosehip seed. This combination may be all that is needed to speed the healing of recent wounds - though often a little Lavender oil is added as well. Kurt Schnaubelt, one of America's leading aromatherapists notes in his quintessential guide "Advanced Aromatherapy" that Helichrysum essential oil and Rosehip seed can "heal wounds with minimal or no scarring".

As mentioned above, Lavender is often included in skin care blends - it has gentle anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerative properties, along with very soothing, anti-anxiety aroma. Lavender essential oil itself began the modern aromatherapy revolution when a scientist burned his hand in a laboratory accident, and after cooling the wound in a beaker of Lavender found the wound to heal remarkably quickly. It is also thought to 'synergize' or improve the efficacy of other essential oils in combination.

The essential oil distilled from common Sage leaves is also used in the healing of scars, particularly old or unsightly scars. It's natural regenerative properties and ability to promote circulation aid in gently breaking down the tough skin resulting from wound healing. Sage oil should only be used in these instances and in small quantities, as it's Thujone content can be toxic in high quantities. If used in a recipe for stretch marks (see below), it should only be used post-partum. Despite it's powerful components, however, when diluted and used with respect, one can use this oil safely.

Rosemary will be the final essential oil we'll mention here for scar treatment. For the skin, Rosemary of the Verbenone chemotype has many important properties - it contains regenerative ketone molecules, and stimulates cellular metabolism. This oil helps new skin form, bringing nutrients into the cells and supports the removing toxins and wastes.
The essential oils mentioned here must be diluted in a carrier oil for daily application. In aromatherapy, more is not better! There have been numerous studies showing the great efficacy of essential oils in low concentrations based in seed or nut carrier oils. The two most commonly used base oils for skin care are Rosehip seed and Hazelnut oils. Rosehip seed has many documented uses in skin care, with it's triple-unsaturated fatty acids and it's vitamin A compounds. Rosehip seed has the ability to support tissue regeneration like Retin A, but without the drying or redening side effects. Hazelnut oil is the most well tolerated of all the carrier oils, and with its mild astringent properties, can even be used in cases of very oily skin. It will tend to leave the skin feeling nourished without feeling greasy.

So how does one mix these natural botanicals for particular uses? There are a few simple but effective recipes specifically for wound healing and scar reduction. For old keloid or acne scars, use one ounce each of Hazelnut and Rosehip seed oils - to this, add one milliliter of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil and Sage officinalis essential oil. Apply regularly for three to six months for best results. For more recent cuts, scrapes, and even surgical incisions (that have reached the point where they are safe to get moist), use the same Hazelnut and Rosehip seed blend, adding one milliliter of Helichrysum and one milliliter of Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia). Apply twice a day while the wound is healing. For the reduction and possible elimination of stretch marks post partum, again to one ounce each of Hazelnut and Rosehip seed oils, add one milliliter Sage and one milliliter Rosemary verbenone. Like the formula for old scars, use this regularly for several months.

So there is a few effective combinations of natural botanical ingredients that can support certain skin care conditions. Many, many more skin care formulas are available when blending essential oils - with many oils able to aid with very particular situations. If needed, a little research should go a long way in helping you find what you need. And as always with aromatherapy oils, go slowly, pay attention to your body's reactions and remember that increasing concentrations of the essential oils will not make a more effective blend. Be safe and enjoy.

Misty Rae Cech ND is a degreed naturopath with a professional practice in Boulder, Colorado. She is the owner of the Ananda Apothecary, a resource for aromatherapy essential oils and Bach flower essences.

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