Saturday, March 17, 2007

Natural Beauty Tips

Natural beauty is generally about looks and skin. Everyone wants to look beautiful. If you want to look beautiful and feel confident, then you must nourish your beauty from within. Only if your body is internally healthy, will you be able to look beautiful from the outside. There are simple beauty tips that will help you in enhancing your beauty.

• Mix 1 tablespoon atta (wheat flour) or besan (chickpea flour) with malai (cream) and paste of 10-12 almonds soaked overnight with little coconut oil to form a smooth paste. Apply this on face. Leave for 20-25 minutes and then wash off. Doing this regularly will improve your complexion tremendously.

• Mix equal amounts of almond oil with honey. Apply it on face regularly. Keep for 10-15 minutes before washing off. It improves complexion.

• Apply pure honey on your face and keep it until it dries. This will take 15 minutes. After that wash your face with warm water.

• Mash a slice of a ripe peach and apply on the face or rub a peach slice all over your face and neck. This is an excellent nourishing mask especially for dry skin.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Lice

Head lice are very small parasites that exist on the human scalp. They are normally tan in colour but as they nourish by sucking blood, they may turn to brown or reddish colour after feeding.

Head lice is spread due to the following factors:

1.Not washing the hair regularly

2.Direct head to head contact with the person who has lice.

3.Sharing of pillows with the person having lice.

4.Sharing items such as comb brushes ,scarves ,caps ,hairband and helmet of the the person having lice.

Ayurvedic Remedies

• Application of the paste of bitter almonds is also good if you are unable to procure the Indian hemp.

• The ointment made of the powder of the bark of Celastrus paniculata (malakanguni) mixed with mustard oil is another good remedy for head lice.

• Apply the paste made of the finely powdered seeds of custard apple (seetaa-phal) with water at bedtime and cover the head with a cloth. The paste should not come in contact with your eyes.

• Soak the hair well with tobacco paste and cover with a cloth for two to three hours. Then rinse thoroughly with the emulsion of soap-nut (ritha).

• Alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) is the non-herbal Ayurvedic remedy for lice. Dissolve thee grams of alum in half a litre of water. Apply this paste regularly on the head.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ayurvedic Treatment : Greying of Hair

Greying of hair is generally considered as a sign of old age . At times graying starts at a young age . This is considered as a morbidity. In Ayurveda it is called palitya.

According to Ayurveda excessive passion , anger and psychic strain results in graying of the hair . Persons with paittika type of constitution are prone to be affected by this ailment . Persons suffering from chronic cold and sinusitis and those who use warm water for washing their hair are likely to be victim of this condition.

Treatment : Bhringaraja and amalaki are popularly used for the treatment of this condition . Medicated oil prepared by boiling these two drugs , viz Maha Bhringaraja taila is used externally for massaging the head. The power of these two drugs is also used internally in a dose of one teaspoonful three times daily with milk..The oil prepared from the seeds of neem tree is used for inhalation twice a day for about a month.Along with this the patient is advised to take milk in his diet.

Another drug popularly used for this condition is bhallataka .This has been a slightly allergic effect . Therefore , it has to be processed carefully before use. Normally this is given to the patients in the form of a linctus in a dose of one teaspoonful twice daily followed by milk.

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