Friday, February 09, 2007

Herbal Guide to Natural Breast Enlargement

This article will take a beginners look at this interesting subject. It will give you the information that you need to know most.

This interesting expose addresses some of the key issues regarding Breast Enlargement. A thorough reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Breast Enlargement.

Natural Breast Enlargement is a greatly safer and cheaper way to enlarge your breasts. In fact, breast enlargement surgery can expense $10,000 or more. There are many alternative, natural breast enlargement options on the promote today for you to wish from though. Let's look at some of the most popular herbs included in these and why...

Feneugreek Seed Extract contains some of the uppermost concentrations of the yard elements recommended by herbalists for breast enlargement. Also hormone valve that that has been worn to pleasure menopausal symptoms and balances the female system.

As we take the journey through the final part of this article, you can look back at the first part if you need any clarifications on what we have already learned.

Fennel Seed is splendid in flavonoids that cause estrogenic effects. This boosting of emission is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of flow is key to the refining of the estrogen receptor sites which get misty with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen. By acting to detach these and other toxins from the body, it acts as a drink and drink as well.

Dong Quai source aids the body in the useful use of hormones. Also worn as care for some menopause symptoms and it's been worn successfully to alleviate PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopausal symptoms (Hardy 2000).

Scientists think that one machinery of action of Dong Quai is to promote natural progesterone synthesis. Progesterone (to be discussed in more detail later) is another hormone whose production declines at menopause. The lodge nutrients can help to stain these out of the system, aiding in increasing the wellbeing of the breast tissue.

Blessed Thistle basil is worn to delight a mixture of female concerns with painful menstruation and associated aches and pains. Also worn as a hormonal watchdog and aid in digestion and circulation. Because of it's moving estrogenic properties, it is mainly worn now for nurture mothers, the melt infusion scarcely ever fault to land a accurate supply of milk. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be worn for this purpose.

Sometimes the most important aspects of a question are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the downright picture.

Dandelion rifle is a recurrent workshop found almost everywhere. Dandelion root property all forms of emission and flow from the body. This boosting of emission is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of flow is key to the refining of the estrogen receptor sites which get misty with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen. By acting to detach these and other toxins from the body, it acts as a drink and drink as well.

Watercress Leaf. J.E. Meyers, Botanical Gardens of Hammond, Indiana informs us that Watercress is one of the best sources of vitamin E. This is the richness vitamin, crucial to breast enlargement, Vitamin E helps the body to use oxygen, which increases brute endurance and energy and improves heart response.

L-Tyrosine is a focus precursor to Thyroxine, a chief thyroid hormone, as well as Adrenaline and Nor-adrenaline. Thyroxine has been found to escalate metabolic figure and restrain growth rate. L-Tyrosine is a required amino acid in the production of neurotransmitters counting epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. L-Tyrosine also appears to have a mild stimulatory cause on the inner anxious system.

Kelp is the regular name for seaweed. It absorbs fats and has been shown to have efficacy for obesity, cellulitis and rheumatism. It is splendid in nutrients, containing 30 minerals, so it is especially beneficial for somebody who is limestone deficient.

It is reported to be beneficial for the wits and jumpy system and the spinal chord. Kelp contains iodine which stimulates the thyroid. Kelp has also been reported to develop skin, nails and hair, shield against radiation, lessen stools and discuss obesity and ulcers.

Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant, theater a position in the body's ability to operate oxygen. It also protects Vitamin A from destruction in the body and unsaturated fats from abnormal breakdown.

Vitamin E prolongs the life of red blood cells and promotes cell respiration and is reported to be the anti-aging vitamin. In addition, Vitamin E helps minimize scarring and assists in the remedial of wounds, retards blood clotting, keeps youthful elasticity in tissues and alleviates hot flashes and menopausal distress.

That's how effects stand right now. Keep in brain that any matter can change over time, so be certain you keep up with the newest news

If you type in the main word from the subject of this article into any reliable search engine, you will pull up a variety of resources.

About the Author:

Jintonic Sos is the owner of Breast Enlargement Herbal Pueraria Mirifica Thai Herbs Here's How Puerarian Breast Enlargement Cream Can Help You Get Increase Breast Size and Beauty Your Bust Starting Today & it actual 100% safe, natural and effective way. Free PUERARIAN " BREAST SPRAY $40 limit time offer

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Breast Enlargement Pill

The breast enlargement pill. It seems to be somewhat of a buzz word, if not still a little taboo to talk about, since there are still so many skeptics and naysayers who refuse to believe that any pill can enlarge a person's breasts. They are the ones that say only surgery can enlarge the female (or male) breast. While this degree of skepticism is understandable, it quite simply is not true.

There are many women out there who have successfully enlarged their breasts anywhere from one half to one and two cup sizes (and even more in rare cases), by utilizing a breast enlargement pill. Take Chinese women for example. According to the American Cancer Society, China has the best breast health record worldwide. China's traditional medicine does not promote the use of mammograms or synthetic (man made) hormones such as Hormone Replacement Therapy for women lacking estrogen balance in their body as we do.

Chinese women actually have numerous methods for breast enlargement and breast beauty, and it is not such a taboo subject as it is here in the U.S. Special herbal teas help increase circulation to enhance breast firmness. Herbal patches are used as well as therapeutic breast massage, acupuncture and magnet therapy for healthy breast development and maintenance.

You can actually find several Chinese beauty shops that offer breast beautification and enlargement services such as breast stimulator machines and herbal creams and tinctures (formulas) to enhance bust size. It is clear that Chinese women are more open about desiring beautiful breasts and/or enlarging their size or enhancing their shape, but they are also much more willing and open to employ natural methods than have surgery, since traditional Chinese medicine has employed the use of herbal remedies and special natural methods of healing.

Breast enlargement pills can take two forms. One is the more common of the two, and that is the herbal breast enlargement pill. Herbal pills actually rely on phytoestrogens, or plant derived estrogens, to facilitate stimulation of the mammary glands and produce a swelling of the breast tissue. This method works for many women, but there are some guidelines to follow, and they do not always work on every person, since it depends on the person's body, metabolism, and general interaction with the phytonutrients in the pill.

The second type of breast enlargement pill is generally classified as "non herbal" in nature, and may employ a variety of methods to enlarge the breast by stimulating the gland responsible for breast development more directly, or by stimulating healthy cell regeneration. These types of pills may be animal or plant based, depending on what type you choose.

The consensus seems to be that women generally respond to the non herbal breast enlargement pills better than herbal, although some women may actually respond to a comprehensive blend of herbs better than a non-herbal preparation. Again, this really depends on the individual's body type and body chemistry, their daily diet, and a host of other lifestyle habits and biological differences.

Whatever method you choose, whether is be surgery or not, breast enlargement pills can really be an excellent surgery-free option to women desiring breast augmentation. Not only that, it can help "put some extra padding" on women who currently do have implants, to create a more natural look, feel and contour.

About the Author:

Danna Schneider is the webmaster and creator of, a comprehensive site addressing natural breast enlargement issues, concerns and questions, and providing the latest studies, articles, testimonials and commentary on natural breast enlargement methods.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Are Your Body Care Products Killing Your Skin?

Every day, millions of people are using products on their bodies. Products to cleanse, products to moisturize, and products to make the body smell good are being used more today than any other time in history.

Both men and women have a constant barrage of marketing aimed at them concerning products to use on their bodies. Within the last decade, mens body care products have become the norm, rather than the exception.

Today, at least with younger men, you will be hard pressed to find someone who is not using some type of product designed especially for use on mens bodies. These products are well known for their masculine fragrance.

So, what do you know about these products? Products for both men and women have their biggest selling point through fragrance. How many times have you been in to purchase shampoo and found yourself (or seen another customer) opening lids and smelling the product?

Of course, the scent has absolutely nothing to do with how well the product actually cleanses the hair. The scent is a major marketing ploy; one that works very well. That scent is artificial and if you begin asking people around you, you will find that many of them are allergic to these artificial fragrances. Sometimes, they cannot even be around someone who has fragrance like these on their body.

One of the things that you need to be able to do is read your labels. This is not to imply that you do not know how to read; you need to be able to understand how the ingredient labeling process is done and what the ingredients mean to you.

Ingredients are listed in the order of volume used in the formula for the product. This means that the first ingredient is the biggest amount of the product. In many products, you will find that this first ingredient is water; if you read your shampoo label and see that water is first, you know that the shampoo is more water than anything else. This process of listing ingredients is common to all of your body care products.

Aside from understanding how the listing works in reference to the amount of each ingredient, you should know about certain ingredients. Remember that not all ingredients are actually good for your skin, even though the product has been marketed for use on the skin. Your body will appreciate you for paying more attention to what your purchase for your body care products.

If possible, you should buy certified organic products. These products do not carry hidden dangers from man made chemicals. If it is not possible for you, you will want to take care to buy body care products that are free of certain ingredients. These ingredients include:

Mineral Oil: this ingredient actually catches environmental debris and mixes with it, clogging pores and causing blackheads, whiteheads, and irritation. Because of the trapping tendency of mineral oil, toxins are attached to your skin which can result in faster signs of aging.

Wax: this substance should be used sparingly. It is almost impossible to avoid using a total skin care system that is completely wax free, but you should know that wax can clog pores. As with mineral oil, this clogging results in blackheads and whiteheads. Unlike mineral oil, wax does not tend to attract environmental debris and trap it in pores. Wax is often found in body care products that are creamy.

Lanolin: the biggest problem with lanolin is that it can be an allergen. If you are experiencing irritated skin, this may be the reason.

Acetone: this toxic substance strips the skin of essential natural oils. Wrinkles result faster through this excessive dryness.

Alcohol: this may be listed as ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, or SD alcohol 40. Like acetone, alcohol strips the skin of its essential natural oils. Again, the excessive dryness causes wrinkles to appear earlier than they would otherwise.

Artificial coloring: often, the base use to create artificial colorants is actually toxic.

Petrolatum or other derivatives of petroleum: your skin is not able to absorb these ingredients, and they act as attractants to environmental debris. Blackheads, irritation and white heads frequently occur with regular use of these products.

Keeping a careful eye on labels will help you avoid many of the skin irritations that are quite common today. You will also prevent premature aging because you are not using ingredients that accelerate your skins genetically planned aging process by trapping toxins on your skin and in your pores or by over drying your skin.

About the Author:
Louise Forrest has created the ultimate FREE Health & Beauty guide. Find out how you can gain access to FREE skin care articles, tips and techniques at Learn how you can help care for your body at

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Have You Done Your Hair Care Correctly?

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Love your hair like you going to lose it. Hair is delicate, growing stuff which need to be handled with care. A lot of care will make your hair healthy, shiny and also beautiful. Beautiful hair is an asset for any woman. Some are gifted with naturally beautiful hair while others have to really work hard on it. But essentially everybody has to work on hair either for improving or for maintaining them.

Hair has been called as “crowning glory.” That’s because hair is covering our head like a crown which can influence our appearance. Sure, your appearance will be good if you can make your “crowning glory” looks good, shinny and healthy. That’s why you need to do your hair care diligently. Don’t wait until you have damage hair to make your move.

Tips for Your Hair Care

To help you taking care of your hair, here are a few hair care tips which might help you:

- Understand your hair type. Being understand your type of hair, such as, oily, dry, natural, curly, straight, kinky or what ever, you can correctly treat your hair with product that is useful to your type of hair..

- Pick shampoo that give benefit to your type of hair. Apply shampoo from root to tip - gently work down the hair. Don’t pile up hair while lathering! Rinse thoroughly under running water.

- Choose conditioner that works with your shampoo Always condition after shampooing. Apply conditioner from tip to root. Comb your hair while condition through hair to ensure distribution and penetration. Use as much conditioner as your hair can absorb.

- Dry your hair gently. Do not rub your hair especially if it is very long. Take time to dry it slowly with a gently patting or wringing action. Don’t overdrying your hair.

Start to Care Your Hair

Okay, those tips surely will give you awareness how to treat your hair basically.

Followed here are tips for you who feel that looking after your hair is important to its health. Healthy hair looks better and holds the style you want. These tips include the following:

- When you put your hair in a braid or ponytail don’t use any plain rubber band, always use a specially treated band like bungee or similar. This will prevent hair breakage and hair loss.

- Don’t sleep with your ponytail or in tight braid. You will breakage your hair and it turn into hair loss.

- If you plan on trying out a new hairstyle such as a braid, updo or twist, for a special event then practice the new braiding style several times before the big event arrives. This will guarantee great results.

Now, another tip is finding the right place for your hair care products. Although all hair care products available almost everywhere, but the best place to find for your hair care products is in Internet. It so convenience shopping online since you will check all the products, compare each product, order so easily and you can return after purchase if you feel not confidence with the products. Easy isn’t it? Okay, enjoy your tips here!

About the Author:

Loraine Lesley is editor for some Website concerning women. She wants to help women to look beautiful, that’s why her object features practical articles and tips on Skin Care, Hair Care, and more. To discover more of her advice, visit and

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