Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wrinkles Treatment – How to Get Rid of Wrinkles

When people grow old, it's common to get wrinkles. And if the person has spent maximum of time in the sun, at tanning salons, or smoking cigarettes, he or she might have a lot of wrinkles.

Wrinkles, age spots and general sagging are common indications of facial aging in women (and men, too).

Wrinkles are mainly caused by damage below the skin surface. As a person grows old the epidermal cells become thinner and less sticky. The thinner cells make the skin appear noticeably thinner. The decreased stickiness of the cells decreases the efficiency of the barrier function allowing moisture to be released instead of being kept in the skin and the result is the skin loses its elasticity.

Most wrinkles appear on the parts of the body where sun exposure is maximum. These mainly include the face, neck, the backs of the hands, and the tops of the forearms

How to Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally:

1) Empty the contents of 3 Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl or container. Add 2 tbsp. plain yogurt, 1/2 tbsp honey and 1/2 tbsp lemon juice in this and apply this mixture on the face(cotton ball can be used for this purpose). Leave this mixture on face for 10-15 minutes and wash.

2) Make a mixture of 1/4 cup comfrey infusion, 1/4 cup witch hazel and 10 drops of patchouli essential oil. This mixture can be stored in a clean bottle and applied on affected areas with a cotton ball.

3) Massage coconut oil on portions of skin prone to wrinkles every night a bedtime.

4) Apply juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily for 10-15 minutes. This is good for wrinkles treatment.

5) Mix two tablespoons vodka, a tablespoon fennel seeds, and 2 teaspoons honey, and let stay it for three days. Strain out the fennel seeds from that mixture and use this as a toner on the face.

6) Apply the leftover egg whites in the bottom of the shell to the lines beneath your eyes.

Find complete Information on Skin Care.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Aromatherapy Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Benefits

Aromatherapy means to treat with aroma through breathing. It is part of the fine healing empire which also includes flower essences and crystals. Aromatherapy is not an alternate for modern medical advice. It is also for healing, generally under the direction of a holistic healer or licenced aromatherapy practicioner.

Aromatherapy Benefits:

Aromatherapy can be used to lessen stress and foster relaxation. Other benefits are: balancing, soothing, normalizing, calming, relaxing, healing, cleansing, refreshing, purifying. Relief from stress, depression, low energy, headaches and other health disorders can all be considered as aromatherapy benefits.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils:

Essential oils often are more useful than other types of plant extracts. Essential oils can be used medicinally for health and beauty aids. It is forced through a particularly designed nebulizer jet by an air pump to atomize it into a micro-fine mist (nebulisate). Essential oils have a very powerful life force, as they really are.

Essential oils have also been used in perfumery, and several key odorants have been created in the laboratory to allow for cheaper reconstruction of the fragrance of the essential oils. Aromatherapy essential oils are inhaled and quickly start their work.

Essential oils should always be used diluted over a large body region. Essential oils are well concentrated plant extract. They are the origin for all traditional aromatherapy. Essential oils can be used with an oil warmer, for Aromatherapy, or to create your own incense and candles

For Complete Information on Aromatherapy visit our Beauty Tips section

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