Saturday, March 10, 2007

How to Take Care of Your Skin

Regular skin has an even tenor, soft, a soft texture, no evident pores or blemishes, and no oily patches or blistering areas. This nature of skin has a clear, fine-textured, flexible and smooth surface which is neither oily nor dry. It glow with an internal health which stems from high-quality blood flow and superb health.

There may be irregular pimples in women just before menstruation due to increased hormonal movement, which makes the sebaceous glands overactive. Acne is, however, not a trouble for group with normal skin.
It is beautiful, but it needs care if it is to last. Ignorance can lead aging and wrinkling.

Skin caring tips

• Clean your skin twice a day with a baby soap and water and tone with rose water.

• At night apply moistuiser to maintain your skin's normal moisture balance.

• Pursue every cleansing with a gentle freshener to keep pores tight and to remove traces of cleanser clinging to the skin. Apply an astringent.

• Keep away from direct heat on the face.

• Always use a mild, oil-based moisturizer under makeup to help preserve surface moisture.

• Guard against the drying, aging effects of the sun by using makeup products that contain a sunscreen.

• Once every two weeks, stimulate the circulation and smooth the surface of the skin by using a nondrying mask.

Oils essential for normal skin









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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Healing Heels

Causes of cracked heels

Cracked heels are general foot problem that are frequently referred to as heel fissures. Cracked heels are normally caused by dry skin and made more complex if the skin around the rim of the heel is chunky . For the majority of people this is a irritation and a aesthetic problem but when the fissures or cracks are deep, they are hurting to stand on and the skin can bleed - in many cases this can become infected.

Symptoms of cracked heels

Cracks in the border of the heel or soles or web of toes are the main symptoms. The length and width may differ depending upon the situation and force exerted. The boundaries of the cracks are usually raised as crusts and defend against healing. Other than fissures, frequently there won’t be any symptoms. But in severe cases, pain will be more with blood loss and limitation of movement. Also, there will be pain in the cracks while on foot or standing or touching the part. Red raw part may show in some deep ulcers. Discharges can occur in case of infection.
Applying an oil based moisturizing ointment twice on a daily basis is really important to get on top of this problem. A pumice stone can be used to shrink the depth of the hard skin. After looking at the 'tomato' analogy above it should be obvious why it is important to avoid open backed shoes or thin soled shoes.
Never try to cut the hard skin your self with a straight razor blade or a pair of scissors. There is a risk of an infection developing and taking too much off.

Do :

Keep your soles clean
Wear comfortable shoes
Wear socks to stop friction
Apply oil, if there is dryness
Eat rich sources of vitamins - fruits, dates, leafy vegetables etc.

Should not do:

Walking uncovered foot
Tight shoes
Standing for a long time in water
Contact of bleaching powder or any other chemical
Using strong chemical soaps

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