Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lovely, Sparkling Eyes

Bright eyes indicate glowing health and vitality. If you are not health, your eyes will become dull and give a strained look. Much of a women’s magnetism and charm depend upon clear, lovely and sparkling eyes. The first and the most basic requirement for beautiful eyes is a good diet. The best vitamin for healthy eyes is Vitamin A. A diet which is rich will help to make eyes shine with health.

Strain, glare, dust particles and city fumes are among the main enemies of lovely eyes. Sleep is vital for bright shining eyes. Without sleep they become blood shot and tired-looking. Eight hours night sleep is must. You can avoid strain by reading only in good light and by making sure that you can see clearly before undertaking any close work such as sewing or writing. Beware of the sun’s rays and glare during the hot summer months. Eye strain and irritation can be relieved and minimized by a good relaxing eye-lotion used at bed time. This method cleans the eye area thoroughly, tones up tired, worn-out muscles and take care of minor impurities. Half fill a pot having a wide mouth, with mild solution so that the eyes can roll and move freely in the solution. Beware of using the same lotion in both the eyes, because if there is a mild infection or infection or inflammation in one eye, you will carry it to the other also.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Take Care of Your Eyes – The Natural Way

Good-looking eyes are the first thing that one notice in your looks. It count much if you take proper care of them and make it shine with your inner self-confidence. In the cosmetic market, you can find number of eye care kits and eye makeup cosmetics. But as you know that our eyes are the most sensitive part in our body, so rather than going for synthetic beauty cosmetics for eye care, you must try natural beauty treatments for your eyes.

Natural Remedies for Eye Care

1. Keep equivalent quantity of triphala powder and sugar in a glass jar and take one teaspoonful with one teaspoonful of honey on an empty stomach morning and evening and drink 250 gm of milk over it for 2-3 months. This cures all the diseases of the eyes.

2. To make eyes beautiful, after washing the eyes with triphala water apply olive or almond oil around the eyes and massage gently. It makes eye muscles strong and soft and the skin around the eyes looks healthy.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

1. Apply cucumber juice on the black circles with cotton for 2-3 weeks regularly.

2. Mix equal amount of almond oil and honey and apply a few drops on black circles for 2-3 weeks. Both wrinkles and black circles are cured.

3. Dip five almonds in water, peel them and chew nicely in the morning or make a paste and take along with 250 grams of milk daily for 21 days.

4. Do not take oils, spices, tea and other hot products.

5. Take 125 gm of tomato juice and squeeze half a lemon in it. Mash 5-7 leaves of spearmint in it. Add black salt according to taste. Drink this once on the morning and evening to be relieved of constipation, worm infection and acne.

6. Take iron and calcium rich diet as their shortage are one of the dominant factors for black circles under the eyes.

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