Basic Skin Care

To look beautiful and young is a hidden desire of every woman. Body and beauty care is a critical issue because it boosts self-confidence, enhances personality and promotes prospects in life. Natural beauty is a gift but has been showered only on a very few. For most of us the art of makeup is neccesary to hide our flaws and blemishes. It adds to highlighting beauty spots and good features.
However, we should remember that a beautiful face is possible only when a woman takes care of her health. Women’s health including a proper diet, exercise, and managing stress is responsible for beautiful skin. Face is the index of mind and beauty too is more than skin deep.
A healthy individual who follows a proper diet, manages stress and is critical about skin cleansing habits is bound to have a glowing complexion. The result is a wonderful skin, which defies age and the pressures of a hectic lifestyle.
A very common skin problem among women is that of Acne and Pimples. Acne is basically a skin disease typical to youth. Acne produces unsightly spots on the face, neck, chest, back and upper arms.
The skin gets blotchy and these blotches on the face do never vanish. Even a beautiful face and the skin, if affected by acne, loses its charm. Although traditionally a teenage problem, acne can affect people even in their forties.
It is believed that improper diet aggravates the problem. Hence for years, chocolates, spices and fatty foods were considered a taboo for acne patients.
Recent studies, however, have scientifically exploded this myth. So, dietary restrictions are no longer necessary to combat the onslaught of acne scars. Other factors that affect acne are menstruation, stressful conditions, hot humid climates and genetic factors.
It is better not to neglect pimples. Be alert as soon as they start appearing. Use of sulphur soap is effective in getting rid of this skin problem. Cleaning of day's make-up at night, before going to bed, is very important because make-up particles block the pores and prevent them from breathing freely. Steaming once a week keeps the pores open.
Though it is a matter of common knowledge that pimples appear during the transitional years of adolescence and youth due to over-activity of glands, their appearance should not be taken lightly because these may leave their permanent marks on your face, showing your carelessness and damaging your looks.
About the Author:
Nelson Virginia is an associated author to the website .
is a small endeavor to uphold the significant health issues in women which affect the everyday life of women as well as contemplative sections like female sexual health, skin care, weight loss, reproductive health\, other related disease and news etc.
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