Ways to Take Care of Your Feet
Beauty starts with the feet. The most beautiful face will show the strain of tired , aching feet. They will also cause a loss of balance in your walk and promote tension and irritability. Never wear high heels, pointed toes, etc, as these prove harmful with difficult feet. Women usually persuade themselves to sacrifice comfort for smartness. The following simple exercise will help a great deal when the feet have constricted in shoes all day.
1. Sit with legs crossed. Rotate the feet six times towards each other and six times away from each other.
2. Sit with legs stretched, straight out in front. Bend the toes up as far possible and then down as far as possible.
3. Put a pencil on the floor and try to pick it up with your toes. This will strengthen the feet.
4. Sit on a chair with feet on the floor and spread out the toes as far as you can. This will tone up the feet muscles.
If you have troubled feet, consult a chiropodist. The trouble generally is caused by a fungus and is very contaginous. It starts by a slight redness and itching but as it gets worse the skin flakes off in white sheds. After bathing,it is essential to dry well between the toes and to dust with a medicated talcum powder. If the condition does not clear up; it is advisable to see the doctor.
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1. Sit with legs crossed. Rotate the feet six times towards each other and six times away from each other.
2. Sit with legs stretched, straight out in front. Bend the toes up as far possible and then down as far as possible.
3. Put a pencil on the floor and try to pick it up with your toes. This will strengthen the feet.
4. Sit on a chair with feet on the floor and spread out the toes as far as you can. This will tone up the feet muscles.
If you have troubled feet, consult a chiropodist. The trouble generally is caused by a fungus and is very contaginous. It starts by a slight redness and itching but as it gets worse the skin flakes off in white sheds. After bathing,it is essential to dry well between the toes and to dust with a medicated talcum powder. If the condition does not clear up; it is advisable to see the doctor.
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